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Biogeochemical components and climate vulnerability

Component Lead:
Sanford Eigenbrode

Potential adaptation and mitigation strategies

Component Lead:
Erin Brooks

Drivers, vulnerabilities, or resiliencies of the socio-economic system

Component Lead:
Clark Seavert


Objectives 5-6:  Develop and disseminate a food chain vulnerability matrix

Investigators: Jodi Johnson-Maynard, Clark Seavert, Erin Brooks, Claudio Stöckle, Georgine Yorgey

Problem and justification:

Supply chains may react in surprising ways to drivers of climate change. Vulnerability to climate change will vary based on the specific activities and actors that create the supply chain. Vulnerability matrices can be built for specific supply chains and utilized as an important tool in finding leverage points where small changes (adaptation) can result in substantial increases in resiliency.

Research approach:

A complete supply chain for iPNW agriculture is being developed through use of models, surveys of agricultural researchers and input from stakeholders within the region. The vulnerability matrix will serve as a tool for prioritizing adaptation and mitigation options for each activity identified in the supply chain. The matrix itself will include relevant climate drivers and assessment of the impact of each driver on activities. Vulnerability is assessed through determination of three factors:  adaptability, sensitivity and exposure. The final matrix and information on the methodology used, will be disseminated through a webinar and publication.